EVERY LINE BECOMES A CIRCLE/ Jede Linie wird ein Kreis

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A documentary film about the extraordinary life of post-war German artist Inge Besgen, (Ingelheim am Rhein in 1931). Together with Inge we reflect on her life using the art she made as a reference in time.

Ein Dokumentarfilm über das außergewöhnliche Leben der deutschen Nachkriegskünstlerin Inge Besgen (Ingelheim am Rhein geboren 1931). Gemeinsam mit Inge reflektieren wir Ihr Leben anhand Ihrer Kunstwerke als Zeitzeugnisse.

Written and directed by Lynnette Luis & co-direction otandi


50 minutes

German with English subtitles

“Don’t forget that life starts at 50!” is Inge’s motto and the spirit of this film. A woman in a man’s world, confronted with issues of mental health and ageism, it’s never too late to pursue one’s dreams and embrace all that is avant-garde are the pervasive themes in the highly gifted and prolific life of the 93-year-old Rüsselsheim artist, Inge Besgen.

In “Every Line Becomes A Circle” Inge‘s journey broke from the prevailing conventions expected of women in the 1950s West Germany. In the 1970’s, she went alone to Italy and Corsica in search of herself and her artistic skills, unheard of in a time when a husband or father had to sign a woman’s work contract in order for them to take a job. Women didn’t just leave to find themselves by themselves. For her, this spiritual journey was an awakening and realization that she WAS the artist she dreamed of being. In the early 1980‘s, despite applying to art schools in Germany for formal training as a painter at age 50, she was rejected as too old. In true Inge form, she set her sights on and was accepted by one of the most prestigious art schools in Europe, Amsterdam‘s Rietveld Academie, graduating at age 54 at the top of her class!This beautiful film illuminates her inner journey, using archival footage, interviews from current day and her artwork through which we experience her journey of recognizing her artistic potential, become an artist and to live outside of the confines of what was expected of her.


I was 49 years old, when I began working on “Every Line Becomes A Circle” and found deep resonance in Inge Besgen’s motto, “Life starts at 50!” Despite her immense struggles in life, Inge’s journey proves it’s never too late to pursue your dreams, and we hope this film inspires others to do the same.

Entelegent Media LLC
Lynn Stepanian
Phone: +1 323 309-4103
Mail: lynn.stepanian@gmail.com
Lynnette Luis
Phone: +49 178 522 8894
Mail: LynnetteLuis@gmail.com